
What we stand for

At MiDispensary, our team of health professionals is dedicated to helping those in need to access quality alternative medicine. Our doctors and nurses have wide experience in health issues and long standing discomfort as well as an extensive knowledge of the latest research in the benefits of alternative medicine therapy.


Once you start your journey, you will experience first hand the friendly, caring and professional nature of our doctors and nurses who will be with you every step of the way, ensuring you get the products that are right for you.

Meet the team



“I am very excited to be part of this new generation of therapies, being able to safely provide another effective modality that fits in so well with traditional western medicine.”

Linda, a level 3 Endorsed Enrolled Nurse, is originally from Adelaide. Linda’s passion is to help those in need. She has had varied roles involving community nursing, medication management, wound care and anticoagulant therapy. She has worked at Canterbury Hospital and currently also works at Balmain Hospital, where she has a reputation for taking a more holistic approach and a great bed side manner.


Clinical Consultant

“I have a great understanding of the many health benefits of medicinal cannabis and I am excited to be able to help people through this therapy.”

Elissa, is a registered paramedic, who is originally from Melbourne. She has extensive experience having worked in Melbourne, Sydney and London as a paramedic. Elissa was always drawn into helping people, now undertaking a further qualification in Intensive Care. She continually advocates for her patients, ensuring she brings her expansive knowledge and experience to each and every situation.

Find out more details​

If you are suffering from a long standing discomfort, you may be eligible for alternative medicine therapy.